Since we were kids, we dreamt about what excites us the most,

we dream about being big: big astronauts, pilots, scientists, doctors, artists… huge football players.

As time goes by, life teaches us that to fulfill that dream, talent, effort, discipline, and perseverance are very much needed. We may not fully understand the meaning, but we know that we must take things seriously.

That’s how soccer is, you can play for fun or passion, understanding that talent is important, but by itself, not enough. You need effort to advance, discipline to remain, and perseverance to excel.

And suddenly, you realize that this path is like a building. You need plans to understand directions, the best materials, and structure to create a solid construction, and the best architects to create an intelligent, strong, and resistant player who can withstand all the challenges you are about to face: Self-esteem storms, demand hurricanes, exhaustion earthquakes, and much more.

At Global Football Innovation Academy

We're convinced that the game of life is won from the foundations. Those foundations that make solid, complete, and competitive players because we develop them comprehensively so that instead of aiming for the stars, they become one of them.

At GFI Academy
