every player U11 and above gets a gfi performance tracker
every player U11 and above gets a gfi performance tracker
Activity time, distance covered, maximum speed, sprints, accelerations and deceleration's, jogging and walking.
Heatmap and ball interactions (ball kicks, kick power and ball possession) that can be measured by placing the device on the leg.
External and internal load monitoring to measure injury risk and calls to action insights that prevent injuries up to 45% per season.
Get performance metrics in every game and training. Distance covered, top speed, kick power, sprints, heatmap and much more.
PLAYING!Compare your performance with players from all over the world, and receive insights & recommendations to improve.
COMPARISONSParticipate in groups with players from the same league, city, and around the world.
Challenge your friends and all OLIVER users in different metrics and earn more XP.
reportKnow your weekly, monthly and annual evolution and download reports to share with your coaches.
Your support helps children unlock their potential, grow their confidence, and achieve their soccer dreams. Every donation makes a difference!
GFI Academy is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations and contributions are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations. EIN 47-1082520